
Christopher Sperandio

(Norte americano – Kingwood, Virginia, 1964)

Christopher Sperandio (n. 1964, Kingwood, Virgínia Ocidental, EUA) é Professor Associado de arte na Rice University, em Houston, Texas, onde fundou o Comic Art Teaching and Study Workshop em 2015, um espaço híbrido de ensino, pesquisa e produção de risografias.
As obras de Christopher Sperandio  foram expostas em museus e centros de arte nos Estados Unidos, Alemanha, Irlanda do Norte, Dinamarca, Inglaterra, Escócia, País de Gales, Espanha e França. As instituições comissionadas incluem: MoMA/PS1, Public Art Fund, Creative Time, Instituto de Arte Contemporânea de Londres, Project Row Houses, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts em São Francisco, Wired Magazine e DC Comics. Pioneiro do movimento Social Practice, Sperandio e seu parceiro colaborador, Simon Grennan, participaram de duas exposições marcantes sobre art colaborativ, politica e socialmente engajada: Culture in Action, com curadoria de Mary Jane Jacob, e Traffic, de Nicolas Bourriaud. Grennan e Sperandio foram representados por Colin De Land na American Fine Arts, até a morte de De Land em 2002.

Ensaios sobre o trabalho colaborativo de Sperandio estão presente em livros de pesquisa artística, especialmente no que diz respeito à arte relacional, social e colaborativa. Também apareceram artigos no New York Times, Art In America, Artforum, Frieze, Flash Art, Sculpture Magazine, The New Yorker, ArtReview, Art Papers, Soap Opera Weekly e outros.
A sua conta no Instagram, @Pinko_Joe, foi recentemente reconhecida com o Citizen Design Award 2023 da PRINT Magazine. Citizen Design é uma categoria especial aberta a designers que criaram campanhas impressas e online destinadas a proteger a liberdade de voto.

Christopher Sperandio Instagram aqui:


Christopher Sperandio

(Nort american– Kingwood, Virginia, 1964)

Christopher Sperandio’s works have been the subjects of exhibitions in museums and art centers in the United States, Germany, Northern Ireland, Denmark, England, Scotland, Wales, Spain, and France. Commissioning institutions include: MoMA/PS1, the Public Art Fund, Creative Time, London's Institute of Contemporary Art, Project Row Houses, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, Wired Magazine and DC Comics. A pioneer of Social Practice, Sperandio and his collaborative partner, Simon Grennan, participated in two landmark social practice exhibitions: Culture in Action, curated by Mary Jane Jacob, and Nicolas Bourriaud’s Traffic. Grennan and Sperandio were represented by Colin De Land at American Fine Arts, until De Land’s death in 2002.

Essays about Sperandio’s collaborative work appear in numerous art survey books especially concerning relational, social and collaborative art. Articles have also appeared in the New York Times, Art In America, Artforum, Frieze, Flash Art, Sculpture Magazine, The New Yorker, ArtReview, Art Papers, Soap Opera Weekly and others.

Sperandio is an Associate Professor of Art at Rice University, in Houston, Texas, where he established the Comic Art Teaching and Study Workshop in 2015, a hybrid teaching, research and Risograph production space. His Instagram account, @Pinko_Joe, was recently recognized with a 2023 Citizen Design Award from PRINT Magazine. Citizen Design is a special category open to designers who have created print and online campaigns designed to protect voting freedom.

Find Sperandio’s Instagram here

