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Tem como objectivo apresentar e valorizar as práticas do desenho, da ilustração e da banda desenhada, e assinalar regularmente a actividade de criadores de diferentes gerações, origens e formações que se movimentam em torno do universo do livro, mantendo uma programação concertada e contaminante com a escolha apresentada em livraria.
O espaço da galeria tem 40m2 e é composto por duas salas de dimensões distintas que permitem acolher em simultâneo exposições ou eventos diferenciados que se podem estender para outras áreas do edifício, como o bar/sala multiusos ou o terraço.
A programação da galeria organiza-se segundo uma estratégia de dupla duração, com exposições longas e trabalho mais aprofundado sobre um autor ou conjunto de autores, um tema ou publicação, e com mostras relâmpago, pontuais, que se estendem no máximo por uma semana, que funcionam como radar de acções e iniciativas criativas determinadas.
Sendo um colectivo curatorial, a Tinta integra pontualmente propostas feitas por outros curadores, artistas ou instituições, sempre fomentando a lógica de parcerias e colaborações que se encontra na sua génese.
Integrada no bairro tradicional da Madragoa, a galeria procura contribuir para as dinâmicas de circulação artística e cultural na cidade e no país, mantendo uma intervenção permanentemente acessível e transfronteiriça via web, através de um sitio com uma plataforma visualização e venda online, que apresentamos aqui.
The gallery is a crucial part of Tinta nos Nervos as a holistic project.
Its main goal is to present and value the many practices of draughtsmanship, illustration and comics, and regularly feature artists, no matter what generation, origin or types of education they have, as long as they’re tethered in some way to the book arts. After such a fashion, we assure that the gallery’s programme has an umbilical cord with the bookshop dimension of the project.
Measuring up to 40 square meters total, the gallery has two different rooms, allowing us to either present a larger exhibition, different exhibitions or happenings in the same time period. Nevertheless, all the other spaces of Tinta, from the café/multiuse room and the terrace, can also be under the employment of an exhibition project.
Our program is basically divided into two sets of shows. On the one hand, we organize long duration shows, that presents an elaborate, deep dive into any given author, collective or theme. On the other, we also put up shorter, swifter presentations, no more than a week, that can act as a more specific initiative, or is related to a broader action (a book launch, a cinema festival, for instances).
Tinta is itself a curatorial collective, but this does not mean that we’re not open to external proposals, whether from artists, curators, or even institutions. Partnerships and collaborations are, after all, at the genesis of Tinta’s foundation.
Found at the Lisbon typical bairro of Madragoa, the gallery wishes to contribute towards the artistic and cultural circulation of content in the city and the country, upholding an accessible nature, not to mention across all possible borders, thanks to web-based services and online shop that we present here.
The gallery is a crucial part of Tinta nos Nervos as a holistic project.
Its main goal is to present and value the many practices of draughtsmanship, illustration and comics, and regularly feature artists, no matter what generation, origin or types of education they have, as long as they’re tethered in some way to the book arts. After such a fashion, we assure that the gallery’s programme has an umbilical cord with the bookshop dimension of the project.
Measuring up to 40 square meters total, the gallery has two different rooms, allowing us to either present a larger exhibition, different exhibitions or happenings in the same time period. Nevertheless, all the other spaces of Tinta, from the café/multiuse room and the terrace, can also be under the employment of an exhibition project.
Our program is basically divided into two sets of shows. On the one hand, we organize long duration shows, that presents an elaborate, deep dive into any given author, collective or theme. On the other, we also put up shorter, swifter presentations, no more than a week, that can act as a more specific initiative, or is related to a broader action (a book launch, a cinema festival, for instances).
Tinta is itself a curatorial collective, but this does not mean that we’re not open to external proposals, whether from artists, curators, or even institutions. Partnerships and collaborations are, after all, at the genesis of Tinta’s foundation.
Found at the Lisbon typical bairro of Madragoa, the gallery wishes to contribute towards the artistic and cultural circulation of content in the city and the country, upholding an accessible nature, not to mention across all possible borders, thanks to web-based services and online shop that we present here.
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